I fucking love live interviews on television. It is most often the case that the interviewer desperately wants to bolster image and deny the existence of Shadow for the sake of comforting the dumbstruck, hypnotized viewers. When Shadow-Selves appear, the tension is astonishing. Not all interviewers are shills for Ego/Image: some can draw out the Shadow-Self of the person being interviewed in a way that doesn’t shame them but connects them with the audience. Anyway, I also just like awkward messes—-a result of identifying with self familiarity?—-so here are some good clips. That which doesn’t make the viewer at least somewhat uncomfortable is essentially just a commercial for a movie or ideology or whatever guised as an interview. Give me cringes over happy pats on the back anytime. I also post some live radio interviews of people who otherwise hid themselves in the shadows, such as Sebald did (which I believe was due to his abject melancholy and not due to fear).